Effective on June3,2024

Terms of Use for Publishers

The provisions of these Terms of Use shall apply to all Publishers unless separate services are particularly specified.

1.Obligations of Publishers

1.1 Obligations of Publishers
Publisher’s obligations to FAN shall be either or all of the following.
1.1.1 Obligation (i): Ad distribution
Provide advertisement space for the Services and display and distribute advertisements (including receiving various notifications and information from FAN required for such provision, display and distribution, as well as other related and ancillary actions).
1.1.2 Obligation (ii): Set tags, SDK, etc.
Set the tags, SDK, etc., designated by FAN in the Publisher’s Website, confirm the terms and conditions and details of the Commission, and implement other matters necessary for the use of the Services.
1.1.3 Obligation (iii): Solicit End-User actions
Solicit the designated actions by End-Users using the Services.
1.1.4 Obligation (iv): Management of IDs, PWs, and Commissions
Manage IDs, passwords, and the occurrence of Commissions (may differ based on the services. Depending on the services, including prompt reporting to FAN the number of actions subject to Commissions on the daily basis, granting of incentives and when an error is found.)
1.1.5 Obligation (v): Reply to important matters
Reply to important notices from FAN.
1.1.6 Obligation (vi):Display of PR (principle)
Display of “PR” on the Publisher’s Website when distributing advertisements.
*Must be displayed in an easy-to-see location so that End-Users recognize it is an advertisement.
1.1.7 Obligation (vii):Deletion of posted advertisements after the end of the agreement
Deletion of the statements about the Advertiser when the Advertiser cancels or terminates the partnership, or the Publisher is expelled.
1.1.8 Obligation (viii): Inclusion clause
Other matters set forth in the Agreement.

2.Operations Provided by FAN

2.1 Payment of Commissions
FAN shall pay the Publisher Commissions (including consumption tax; fractional amounts less than one yen are rounded off) in accordance with the provisions below unless otherwise specified separately.
The payment procedure separately stipulated by FAN shall be used.
2.1.1 Payment term (i): Payment terms
The payment terms for the Commissions payable to the Publisher shall be as follows based on the type of Services used.
A8.net payment terms
Close at the end of the month with payment on the 15th day of the month following the next month (in case the payment day falls on a bank holiday, the payment shall be made on the next business day).
seedApp payment website
Close at the end of the month with payment on the 15th day of the month following the next month (in case the payment day falls on a bank holiday, the payment shall be made on the next business day).
2.1.2 Payment term (ii): Terms for payment suspension
In the case of any of the following, until the point in time set forth for each case, FAN shall be exempted from the obligations to pay Commission to the Publisher.
■ In case the Advertiser/ Agency is late in making a payment, until such payment is made
■ In case there is possible fraud by the Publisher, until it is determined that no fraud exists
2.1.3 Payment term (iii): Deferred payment
In case the cumulative amount of unpaid Commissions is less than the minimum amount set forth for each service, the payment of Commission may be deferred to the following month in accordance with the provisions set forth for each service.
2.1.4 Payment term (iv): Payment of fees
The bank transfer fee, fees for returning funds transferred based on the erroneous information from the Publisher, and all other fees shall be borne by the Publisher.
2.1.5 Payment term (v):Issuance of the statement of purchase (qualified invoice)
FAN shall issue a statement of purchase to the Publisher, and the statement of purchase shall be handled as the qualified invoice.
FAN shall notify the Publisher by email or other means after the issuance of the statement of purchase (qualified invoice), and the Publisher shall contact FAN within two weeks from the notice if the Publisher has any questions regarding the statement of purchase.
If the Publisher fails to contact FAN within two weeks, the Publisher shall be deemed to have confirmed the statement.

3. Eligibility Required of the Publisher

3.1 Eligibility required of the Publisher
The eligibility required of the Publisher for the use of the Services shall be as follows:
3.1.1 Eligibility required of the Publisher (i): Operation of an appropriate Publisher’s Website
Operation of the Publisher’s Website and ad network (including the information, such as articles, audio files, and videos posted by End-Users) is appropriate and the Publisher does not engage in any of the separately stipulated prohibited actions.
3.1.2 Eligibility required of the Publisher (ii): Age requirement of the person in charge
The person in charge of the operated or managed Publisher’s Website is at least 18 years old.
3.1.3 Eligibility required of the Publisher (iii): Authenticity of the information
The information, data, and Publisher’s Website at the time of applying and after commencement of use of the Services are not fictional or fraudulent.
3.1.4 Eligibility required of the Publisher (iv): Agreement to the Terms of Use, etc.
The Publisher agrees to the details of the Terms of Use, etc..
3.1.5 Eligibility required of the Publisher (v): No history of expulsion
The Publisher has not been expelled in the past from any services provided by FAN.
3.1.6 Eligibility required of the Publisher (vi): Convenience of the use of the Publisher
Unless otherwise particularly permitted by FAN, the Publisher’s Website is available for viewing without membership registration or password input.
3.1.7 Eligibility required of the Publisher (vii): Language
Unless otherwise particularly permitted by FAN, the registered Publisher’s Website is established in the Japanese language.
3.1.8 Eligibility required of the Publisher (viii): Identity of the name
The name on the account and the bank account to which the Commission is transferred are the same.
3.1.9 Eligibility required of the Publisher (ix): Limitations on adult contents
Regarding adult websites and apps (including posting links and banners), unless otherwise particularly permitted by FAN, such may not be posted on Publisher’s Website other than those specified by FAN, and the ad contents that can be posted must be limited to adults.

4. Terms of Ad Distribution by the Publisher

4.1 Approval of the terms of ad distribution
The Publisher shall note and approve the following items when distributing advertisements using the Services.
4.1.1 Term of ad distribution (i): Determination of the Commission unit price
The unit price of the Commission for the ad contents posted on the Publisher’s Website shall be determined at the discretion of FAN or the Advertiser, and the Commission unit price is subject to change.
4.1.2 Term of ad distribution (ii): Calculation of the measurement results
The results of the measurement of the number of clicks, etc., in the Services shall be calculated using FAN’s measurement method, and the Commission shall be calculated based on such measurement results.
4.1.3 Term of ad distribution (iii): Screening by FAN
The screening and approval of the Publisher’s Website by FAN do not guarantee the legality, non-infringement, nor fitness for purpose of the Publisher’s Website.
4.1.4 Term of ad distribution (iv): Disclosure of the Publisher’s ID, etc.
The name of the Publisher’s Website, Publisher’s ID, name, and Publisher’s Website URL shall be disclosed to Advertisers (including Advertisers of third-party distribution).
4.1.5 Term of ad distribution (v): Possibility of being expelled
In the event FAN determines there is or likely to be an illegal act, violation of the Terms of Use, etc., violation of public order and morality, or wrongful act, the Publisher may be expelled immediately or after a certain period of time.
4.1.6 Term of ad distribution (vi): Responsibility to manage the ID and PW
The Publisher shall be fully responsible for the management of the ID and password, and if such are used by a third party, the third party shall be handled as the Publisher.
4.1.7 Term of ad distribution (vii): Statistical information about the Publisher
FAN may use or make public the statistical information about the Publisher on condition that the information shall be in a form that makes it impossible to identify the Publisher.
4.1.8 Term of ad distribution (viii): Information disclosure for the Transaction confirmation
FAN may disclose or provide to the Advertiser or Agency all or part of the information provided by the Publisher (including personal information that is not registered) for the purpose of compensating the Commission due to a tracking failure or investigation of a wrongful act.
4.1.9 Term of ad distribution (ix): FAN’s obligation to explain the prohibited acts
FAN shall reasonably determine whether or not the Publisher engaged in a prohibited act in light of public standards and shall not be obligated to give an explanation concerning the basis for such determination.
For A8.net Publishers
The Publishers who use A8.net (“A8.net Publisher”) shall also agree to the following matters.
Matter agreed to by A8.net Publishers (i): Request a Partnership
The Publisher shall, through the Dashboard, confirm and approve the Commission and all the other terms posted by the Advertiser operating the program in which the Publisher wishes to participate and request the Advertiser for a Partnership.
Matter agreed to by A8.net Publishers (ii): Approval and termination of the Partnership by the Advertiser
When the Partnership is approved by the Advertiser with whom the Partnership is requested, approval shall be deemed to have been given by the Advertiser.
In addition, not only is the Publisher able to terminate the Approval of Publisher, but the Publisher may be cancelled by the Advertiser or FAN without prior notice or explanation of the basis for the cancellation.
Matter agreed to by A8.net Publishers (iii): Ability of the Advertiser to change the payment terms for the program
The Advertiser or FAN may change the payment terms for the program at their discretion.
Matter agreed to by A8.net Publishers (iv): Automatic application for program participation
At the discretion of FAN, the application for affiliate programs of a specific Advertiser may be automatically made.
Matter agreed to by A8.net Publishers (v): Disclosure of the screen on which the ad is posted and cancellation of Transactions
When FAN requests disclosure of the screen on which the ad is posted, the Publisher shall promptly disclose it. In addition, when such a screen cannot be confirmed, the Transaction may be cancelled.
For seedApp Publishers
The Publishers who use seedApp (“seedApp Publisher”) shall also agree to the following matters.
Matter agreed to by seedApp Publishers (i): Commission calculation criteria
The calculation criteria for the Commission shall be determined for each Publisher’s Website by FAN.
Matter agreed to by seedApp Publishers (ii): Third party distribution
Third party distribution shall be conducted to Publishers approved by FAN and done in accordance with the instructions given by FAN regarding the method/position of the ad, Commission calculation method and other matters.
Matter agreed to by seedApp Publishers (iii): Refusal of third party distribution
Approval by FAN shall be required when a seedApp Publisher refuses third party distribution.
Matter agreed to by seedApp Publishers (iv): Legality of the details of the ad distributed through third party distribution
FAN shall be unable to guarantee the legality of the ad detail in third party distribution.
Matter agreed to by seedApp Publishers (v): Addition of a Publisher’s Website
In response to the request for addition of a Publisher’s Website, approval or refusal of the request or cancellation of approval may occur without explanation of the screening conducted by FAN.
Matters agreed to by seedApp Publishers (vi): Prior request for the granting of incentives
When the Publisher wishes to receive incentive Commissions, the Publisher must notify FAN to that effect prior to making a request and receiving approval.
Matters agreed to by seedApp Publishers (vii): Notice of incentive information by FAN
Information about incentives to be granted to each End-User (including the figures that are calculated based on the incentive rate and used as basis for granting incentives; “Incentive Information”) shall be reported based on the instructions given by the Advertiser using the method designated by FAN.
Matters agreed to by seedApp Publishers (viii): Non-receipt of Incentive Information by the Publisher
If a seedApp Publisher does not receive the Incentive Information, the notice shall not be sent again, and future Incentive Information notices may be suspended.
Matters agreed to by seedApp Publishers (ix): Request for a Partnership
If it is necessary to partner with an Advertiser, the Publisher shall, through the Dashboard, confirm and approve the Commission and all the other terms posted by the Advertiser operating the program in which the Publisher wishes to participate, and request the Advertiser for a Partnership.
Matters agreed to by seedApp Publishers (x): Approval and termination of the Partnership by the Advertiser
When the Partnership is approved by the Advertiser with whom the Partnership is requested, approval shall be deemed to have been given by the Advertiser.
In addition, not only is the Publisher able to terminate the Approval of Publisher, but the Publisher may be cancelled by the Advertiser or FAN without prior notice or explanation of the basis for the cancellation.
Matters agreed to by seedApp Publishers (xi): End of ad posting
Regardless of the determined period of ad posting, there may be circumstances in which posting of the ad has to be ended prior to the expiration of the term.

5. Monitoring of the Publisher

5.1 Monitoring and expulsion
In relation to the use of the Services, FAN may monitor the Publisher to confirm whether there are any violations of the laws, regulations, and Terms of Use or other wrongful act, and based on the result of such monitoring, FAN may expel the Publisher.

6.Changes to the Publisher Information

6.1 Changes to the Publisher information and refusal to change the name
In the case a change occurs to the registered membership information, the Publisher shall change such information using the designated method, and if the change cannot be made due to the specifications of the system, the Publisher must notify FAN to that effect.
However, FAN may refuse name changes (including the name of the bank account holder) where there are reasonable grounds for FAN to determine that the change of membership information is inappropriate.
6.2 Non delivery and late delivery due to the failure to change the Publisher’s information
In the event a notice or document sent by FAN is not delivered or delivered late due to the failure or delay by the Publisher to change the membership information, such notice or document shall be deemed to have been delivered at the following times.
■ Notice by email: At the time when FAN sends the email
■ Notice via the website: At the time when registration is completed on the Dashboard
■ Postal mail/ courier: At noon on the scheduled normal delivery day designated by the service provider

7.Intellectual Property Rights

7.1 Infringement of another person’s rights
The Publisher shall ensure, regarding its contents, that there is no infringement of copyrights, trademark rights, or other rights nor any other problems, and in the event a problem occurs, the Publisher shall solve it.
7.2 Ownership of the rights to the contents of FAN and Advertisers
The intellectual property rights for the contents, technology, and all images provided by FAN and Advertisers (including banners and trademarks; hereinafter “FAN and Advertiser Contents”) shall belong to the provider or the original right holder.
7.3 License to use FAN and Advertiser Contents
The Publisher may use FAN and Advertiser Contents within the limited scope of the network and may not make any alterations or changes without prior permission from the right holder.
7.4 Transfer of copyrights by the Publisher
When the Publisher transfers its copyrights to a third party, the Publisher shall cause the third party to agree to the details set forth in the Terms of Use, etc..

8.Prohibited Acts by the Publisher

8.1 Prohibited acts by all Publishers
Unless otherwise particularly permitted by FAN, Publishers may engage in any of the following matters (“Prohibited Acts”) when using the Services if there is duplication in the following acts, such is done with the intent clarifying each act, and there are no discrepancies in the prohibited acts.
8.1.1 Generally prohibited act: Inappropriate Publisher operations
Operation (post or transmit contents and comments) of a website, app, and ad network (including the articles, audio, video and other information posted by End-Users on such) that FAN deems inappropriate in light of the social standards. *Inappropriate posting shall include but not be limited to the following examples.
■ Child pornography and anything related to or suspected of such
■ Contents that encourage violence or abuse
■ Contents that encourage racial discrimination
■ Contents that violate laws and regulations (Act on Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Presentations, Act on Regulation on Soliciting Children by Using Opposite Sex Introducing Service on Internet, Act on Regulation and Punishment of Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children, and other laws)
■ Contents that violate public order and morality
8.1.2 Generally prohibited act: Registration of multiple Publishers
Registration of multiple Publishers by the same person (regardless of whether an individual or corporation) without prior permission from FAN.
8.1.3 Generally prohibited act: Registration of duplicate Publisher’s Websites by multiple Publishers
Apply for registration, register, or post advertisements in duplicate on the same Publisher’s Website by multiple Publishers.
8.1.4 Generally prohibited act: Post advertisements on non-registered website
Post advertisements on media other than the website, app notified to FAN.
8.1.5 Generally prohibited act: Notification of false information
Notify false information to FAN.
8.1.6 Generally prohibited act: Violation of the personal information protection act
Disclose a third party’s personal information or disclose information that a third party usually does not want disclosed on the Internet (such as name, address, telephone number, and privacy information) without permission.
8.1.7 Generally prohibited act: Illegal acts and any acts that encourage illegal acts
Engage in an act that violates laws, regulations, and public order or any act that encourages such an act, as well as cause a situation where the Advertiser, FAN are forced to handle the matter afterwards.
8.1.8 Generally prohibited act: Occurrence of wrongful Transactions
Occurrence of Transactions that are irrelevant to ad distribution or that are different than the purpose of the advertisement or intent of the Services, or otherwise use means and method deemed inappropriate to be by FAN. Above mentioned acts shall include but not be limited to the following examples.
■ Force/ appeal/ request the End-User to take actions subject to Commissions
■ Post articles that may mislead the End-User
■ Distribute products and manuals that encourage the prohibited actions set forth in this Article
■ Grant incentives (such as granting points under an independent point system) to the End-User beyond the scope approved by FAN (no click-based incentives shall be granted)
■ Attempt to acquire Transactions and Commissions using mechanical or artificial methods, so-called ad fraud, such as bots, or other fraudulent means, such as placing fictitious orders
8.1.9 Generally prohibited act: Infringement of intellectual property rights
Infringe another person’s copyrights, intellectual property rights or other legal rights.
8.1.10 Generally prohibited act: Cyberattacks
Hinder the operation of the websites and services or other normal business operations of the Advertiser or FAN, such as server outage, system failure, through unauthorized access, excessive access, or other inappropriate methods.
8.1.11 Generally prohibited act: Decompiling
Use methods of decompiling and disassembly to reverse engineer or remodel the system, technology provided by FAN, or otherwise infect the system with a computer virus, worm, spyware, or other malware, or cause a third party to use such.
8.1.12 Generally prohibited act: Unauthorized modification
Modify advertising materials, link codes (including affiliates’ link codes) provided by the Advertiser or other designated conditions without permission.
8.1.13 Generally prohibited act: Damage the brand and other disadvantageous acts
Damage the brand or cause other disadvantage or damage to the Advertiser, FAN and the Services, or another third party, or engage in any of the prohibited acts set forth in this article.
8.1.14 Generally prohibited act: Spam
Spam by email, make posts on an electronic bulletin board or social media, or advertising or nuisance by other means or methods.
8.1.15 Generally prohibited act: Direct contact to the Advertiser
Unless there is an existing transactional relationship with the Advertiser before starting to use the Services, directly communicate with or contact the Advertiser without prior permission from FAN, regardless of the means or method.
8.1.16 Generally prohibited act: Operation of non-distributable apps
Engage in an act that violates the conditions, rules, or points to note set forth by the operation system provider that launches the app, or otherwise operate or provide an app not permitted for distribution.
8.1.17 Generally prohibited act: Wrongful handling of information about the Publisher’s app users
Read, write, receive or transmit, or acquire the terminal information, personal information, or other information about users of the applications registered with the Publisher without permission from the user (including exceeding the scope recognizable by the users or the scope of necessity), add or change terminal settings, disclose such information to third parties, or engage in other inappropriate acts.
8.1.18 Generally prohibited act: Post advertisements after the end of the agreement
Post advertising materials and contents (in the case of affiliate services, including affiliate link codes) after the end of agreement or use of services (including in the case of expulsion, cancellation of Partnership with the Advertiser in the affiliate services).
8.1.19 Generally prohibited act: Impair the usability
Impair the usability by Users.
8.1.20 Generally prohibited act: Inclusion clause
In addition to the provisions up to the preceding paragraph, acts that may correspond to the prohibited acts set forth in the Terms of Use, etc., matters individually warned by FAN, and other acts that FAN deems appropriate to prohibit in light of the intent of the Terms of Use, etc..
Supplementary items for A8.net Publishers
A8.net Publishers shall, in addition to the generally prohibited acts (supplementarily in the case the details overlap), comply with the following matters (the matters below are only examples and similar acts and matters shall be included).
In the case an A8.net Publisher engages in a prohibited act, FAN may confiscate the unpaid Commissions and refuse payment, or in the case a payment is already made, request repayment of the amount equivalent to the amount already paid.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on requesting actions that generate Commissions
Prohibition on requesting clicks, applications, or installations with the aim of gaining personal benefit, operation of the website, raising funds, or acquiring support.
Prohibition on causing Users to click or submit an application in return for a reward such as money, items, points, information (free information products, secret tricks, etc.) or various data (images, avatars, stamps, etc.), as well as instructing Users to submit an application through an advertisement such as requesting work on cloud sourcing and requesting an undercover investigation.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on clicks by the Publisher or in cooperation with a third party
Prohibition on wrongful advertisement clicks with the aim of gaining profit for itself or a third party (clicks by the Publisher itself, by a third party, or in mutual cooperation between the Publisher and the third party, unintended clicks by crawlers and bots, clicks in contrary to the intent of the advertisement or Services, and cases determined by FAN that an order or registration has occurred.)
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on applications for advertisements through cooperation between the Publisher and a third party
Prohibit acts with no intention of placing an order, such as making an application for an advertisement without actual interest, placing excessive orders, and repeatedly applying for the same advertisement.
Prohibition on applying with the aim of gaining a Transaction in cooperation with a third party (including mutually making applications with each other).
Prohibition on (suspected) the resale, distribution of products obtained through an advertisement.
Regarding applications through an advertisement, not promptly completing the order, such as making a payment, taking part in an interview without actual intent, returning the product after the Transaction is confirmed, and other acts not deemed to be a proper order.
Prohibition on repeated installation of the same application for the benefit of itself or for a third party (including cooperating with a third party to mutually install each other’s applications).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on applications using false information
Prohibition on submitting applications based on information that does not exist or using another person’s information.
Prohibition on making an application for an ineligible advertisement (including causing a third party to make the application).
Prohibition on making an application or placing an order for test purposes.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on requesting a third party to make an application on behalf of the Publisher
Prohibition on collecting a third party’s personal information or application information.
Prohibition on making an application for an advertisement on behalf of a third party.
Prohibition on requesting to or being requested by a third party to make an application or purchase
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on encouraging prohibited acts
Prohibition on selling or distributing and disclosing free of charge products, manuals, and PDF files that include details that encourage prohibited acts.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on spam and other harassment on a electronic bulletin board or by email
Prohibition on posting advertisements on websites that are not to be used for commercial purposes, including 2channel and other electronic bulletin boards, mixi and Yahoo! Answers.
Prohibition on transmitting advertisement emails without approval from the recipient, as well as comment spam on blogs and trackback spam.
Even for email magazines sent with permission, prohibition on excessive transmission of many advertisements, advertisements that appear to have been directly sent from the Advertiser, and other acts that may cause inconvenience to the Advertiser or recipients.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on infringement of copyrights, intellectual property rights and other legal rights
Prohibition on unauthorized use of the screens in the A8.net website or the contents of the Advertiser’s website, unauthorized use of another person’s copyrighted work and infringement of copyrights.
Prohibition on unauthorized use of images of entertainers and celebrities, or otherwise infringement of legal rights and interests, such as trademark rights, portrait rights.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on inconveniencing the Advertiser, other Publisher members or third parties.
Prohibition on posting advertisements without complying with the terms required by the Advertiser, or advertising in a way that inconveniences others.
Prohibition on running advertisements using the trademark, company name, or product name of the Advertiser’s competitor, or run slanderous advertisements.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on listing violation
Prohibition on advertising using programs that do not allow the use of listing or using prohibited keywords.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on posting advertisements that mislead End-Users
Prohibition on posting advertisements End-Users may click by mistake, such as making advertisement materials look like website contents, posting advertisements next to contents that need to be clicked, and other means.
Prohibition on promoting advertisements using false information (such as calling itself the Advertiser’s official website, or posting advertisements on websites that may be misunderstood to be the Advertiser’s website).
Prohibition on acquiring social media accounts using the Advertiser’s name, service name, trademark, posting advertisement while pretending to be an official account, or promoting a website posting such advertisement.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on alteration of advertisement materials
Prohibition on changing the generated advertisement code without permission from the Advertiser (changing the banner image or wording of text advertisement, using only the link from the advertising code).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on posting advertisements on non-registered websites/ apps
Prohibition on posting advertisements and distributing and transmitting advertisements on websites and apps not registered to A8.net (including when the registration has been deleted), email magazines, emails directed to individuals, messages through social media (LINE, etc.), Twitter account, PDF file, or paper media.
Prohibition on posting advertisements on websites/ apps not managed or operated by the Publisher (the website or app on which the advertisement is posted must be registered). However, this shall not apply when A8.net gives approval.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on posting advertisements on apps while an app account has not yet been acquired
Prohibition on posting advertisements that is not the app account’s material on the app (when posting advertisement on a smartphone app, separate registration of an app account is required.)
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on posting advertisements on apps not registered in the official app store
Prohibition on posting advertisements on apps that are not registered with Google Play, the App Store, or another official app store (including registration of apps created by another person).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on posting advertisements on finished programs or programs for which the Partnership has been cancelled
Prohibition on continuing to post advertisements for finished programs or programs for which the Partnership has been cancelled. (The advertisement material shall no longer function after the end of the program or cancellation of the Partnership, and clicking shall take the User to the banner or link page designated by FAN).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on acquiring multiple accounts
Prohibition on operating multiple accounts by the same individual or corporation (when an advertisement is posted on both a website and app, account registration is required respectively for each).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on making the Transaction Terms public
Prohibition on making public (on such as websites, email magazines, and social media) information available only when a Publisher registers as a member (name of the Advertiser, name of the program, Transaction Terms and Commission amount, product name, and terms for posting advertisement, as well as screen shots of such information).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on posting advertisements on websites with browsing restrictions
Prohibition on posting advertisements on websites and social media that are not open to external parties or contain browsing restrictions, unless particularly approved by FAN.
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on direct contact with the Advertiser
Prohibition on directly contacting the Advertiser about matters related to affiliates other than when using the designated form, such as by telephone or email (to contact an Advertiser, use the form in the Dashboard).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on registration with inaccurate information
Prohibition on falsifying information, such as the name (full-name), reachable address, and email address required for registration as an individual Publisher member (registration as an individual in the case of a self-employed person; registration is acceptable with “name” or “shop name and name” but not acceptable with “shop name” only).
Prohibition on registration with a name other than the officially registered trade name in the case of a corporation (confirmation of the registered information or other information may be required).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on inappropriate management of the registered email address
Prohibition on inappropriate management of the email address registered by the A8.net Publisher (Because FAN and Advertiser shall contact the Publisher by email, the Publisher must set and manage the email address so that email can be received at all times. If it is not possible to contact the Publisher by email, the Publisher may be expelled).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on adult websites
Prohibition on registering and posting advertisements on adult websites (posting advertisement on adult applications or adult websites / registering the website, posting adult banners or adult contents, and posting a link to an adult website).
Additional matter for A8.net Publishers: Prohibition on non-compliance with related rules
Prohibition on non-compliance with the Terms of Use, etc., other points to note set forth by FAN, detailed terms and conditions for each program, or related laws and regulations.
Supplementary items to seedApp Publishers
seedApp Publishers shall, in addition to the generally prohibited acts (supplementarily in the case the details overlap), comply with the following matters (the matters below are only examples and similar acts and matters shall be included).
Additional matter for seedApp Publishers: Prohibition on adult websites
Adult websites and posting adult banners.

9. Withdrawal of the Publisher

9.1 Voluntary withdrawal
The Publisher may withdraw from the Services at any time by using the method designated by FAN (“Voluntary Withdrawal”)
9.1.1 Account settlement in the case of Voluntary Withdrawal
In the case of Voluntary Withdrawal, FAN shall pay the following amount to the Publisher. Settlement amount = Amount of unpaid Commission – (bank transfer fee designated by the financial institution + administrative fee required by FAN for cancellation)
*Administrative fee: 1,000 yen (consumption tax excluded)
*When the settlement amount is negative, FAN’s obligation to pay the Publisher shall cease and FAN shall not collect the fee.
9.1.2 Exemption of FAN from performance of the obligations due to insufficient account information
Regarding the payment of settlement amount, if a bank transfer cannot be made due to insufficient account information provided by the Publisher, address unknown, inability to receive emails sent by FAN, or other reason, FAN shall be exempted from the obligation to pay the unpaid Commission.
9.2 Expulsion
FAN may, at its discretion, require a change to the details of the website, refuse to provide services, or expel the Publisher without notice or warning (“Expulsion”) if FAN deems that the Publisher (including cases the Publisher uses a third party) does or is likely to correspond to any of the following.
9.2.1 Reason for Expulsion: Non-compliance with the terms
The Publisher violates or fails to comply with the Terms of Use, etc. and fails to correct such within a reasonable period of time.
9.2.2 Reason for Expulsion: Legal violation
The Publisher conducts an act that violates the law.
9.2.3 Reason for Expulsion: Violation of the prohibited acts
The Publisher is deemed to be engaged in a prohibited act.
9.2.4 Reason for Expulsion: Inability to contact
An email sent to the Publisher is not received at least three times and it is not possible to contact the Publisher using other means.
9.2.5 Reason for Expulsion: Suspension of activities
FAN determines that the Publisher has substantially suspended activities as a publisher (e.g.: No Commission is generated for the past two years, no ongoing activity can be confirmed as a publisher).
9.2.6 Reason for Expulsion: Loss of eligibility as a Publisher
The eligibility requirements as a Publisher are not satisfied (including when the eligibility requirements are no longer met after membership registration).
9.2.7 Reason for Expulsion: Death
The Publisher dies.
9.2.8 Reason for Expulsion: Credit uncertainty
When there is a fact, such as seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, coerced execution, auction, coercive collection, bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, corporate reorganization, voluntary liquidation, liquidation procedure, or dishonored bill (including when such proceeding is to be commenced).
9.2.9 Reason for Expulsion: When FAN deems the Publisher to be inappropriate
Otherwise FAN determines it is inappropriate to approve eligibility as a Publisher in light of the social standards.
9.3 Measures in the case of Expulsion
In the event of Expulsion of a Publisher, FAN may implement all or some of the following measures.
9.3.1 Measure at the time of Expulsion: Confiscation of the Transaction Commissions
Confiscate the unpaid Commissions and refuse payment, or if already paid, claim repayment of an amount equivalent to the amount already paid.
9.3.2 Measure at the time of Expulsion: Claim for payment of expenses
Claim for payment of all expenses required for the Expulsion (investigation expenses required for the Expulsion, reasonable legal expenses required for the lawsuit).